Children and Youth:
We have Sunday morning programs for children and youth of all ages. We also hold a fun vacation Bible school during the summer, host fun events and gatherings for the older kids, gather for family game and movie nights, and much more! For upcoming events, please check our calendar at the link above. Adults: We have a welcoming family of adults ranging from barely out of high school to 90+ years old! There is an active life of ministry and fellowship available to all our adults. Women's Group Second Thursday at noon Cakes for Intersection Second Tuesday at 8:30 am. Fundraising: We are always looking for creative ways to pay the light bills and keep our staff taken care of! For a full list of current fundraising events, please check the most recent newsletter. Shepherd's Loft: We have a clothing ministry that is open to everyone in the South Allegheny School District. They are usually open the second Saturday of the month. Please call the church office if you have any questions, ask for Linda. Donations are taken at any time. Donations can be left on the church side porch at any time. |